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Skin Analysis Consultation


Bespoke skin plans according to skin type and treatment objectives.

Used to Treat:

All skin types 1 – 6.

What are Skin Consultations?

A comprehensive skin consultation will enable your practitioner to gain a deeper understanding of your skin. In turn, they’ll be able to recommend skincare that is both safe and effective.

Treatment Areas:


Treatment Description:

The aesthetician/consultant is determining your basic skin type (dry, oily, combination, sensitive or normal) and skin conditions (acne, blackheads, whiteheads, aging, sun-damage, dehydration, etc.) This analysis allows them to choose appropriate products and treatments.

How it Works?

During the consultation

Throughout your consultation, your therapist will discuss your concerns, giving you the chance to communicate your expectations. We use a specialised camera to assess the deeper layers of the skin and identify conditions that are difficult to diagnose with the human eye.

What to Expect During the Treatment?

For new clients, complete skin assessment questionnaire with the client.

Develop treatment plan.

Recommend products.

Before Treatment:

Please avoid going to the gym prior to the consultation.

Please also avoid any heat such as hot baths, saunas, steam rooms etc.

A headband must be placed on the head to remove any hair from the face.

Make up and SPF must be cleansed off first before going into the camera.

Treatment Aftercare:

After the initial consultation, receive a personalised skin plan to assist making informed decisions about skin health, recommended products, treatment, and supplements.


Repeat Treatments:

Only one consultation is necessary to have before we start treatments. Yearly updates can be done if any changes occur.

Updated photos will be done before and after every treatment.


Am I suitable for the Treatment?


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